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Marina News – September 2015

By September 21, 2015News

Mallaig Marina Centre

Yes, that is the name we have selected for “our” portion of the Marina Facilities Building currently being completed by Toby Robinson and his hard working Knoydart Construction Team.

With the Bakers Shop section of the building now operational the Marina Centre is also heading in that direction as the fitting out of the building continues via Wi-Fi, CCTV Camera’s and even BT phoneline and Broadband lines threatening to become operational.

However as the yachting season is now virtually over the Harbour Authority is under no great pressure to open the new facility so the fitting out and testing of showers etc will be done at a more relaxed pace.

Information Panels

The Information Panels on the plinths at The Esplanade, providing an insight into the evolution of Mallaig, have been met with universal acclaim and there have been several requests for the text & photos to be made available in some form of notelet or booklet format.  This possibility is currently being examined as is more fencing/seating/planters on the Esplanade.

Yachting Shorebase

The Village Plan/Information Board to be located on the plinth at the Yachting Shorebase has been delayed due to some technical issues.  These issues have been overcome however and the Plan is now with the sign makers and due for delivery later this month.

Highland Council

The Authority has held initial discussions with The Highland Council Roads Department regarding the provision of double yellow lines on both sides of the road around by the Marina Centre and in the approach to the Marina Shorebase.

The disabled parking bay at the head of Lovat Pier require to be marked out with the provision of a dropped kerb from the pavement close to the Fish Market Restaurant.

Extra signage to encourage/direct visiting vehicles to use the East Bay Parking facility will also be erected.


Robert MacMillan


01687 462154

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