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New Red Lights Deployed

Three vertical red lights located at the end of the Steamer Pier are used to control the movement of vessel traffic entering/departing Mallaig Harbour.

When the red lights are displayed the ferry has right of way and all other ship traffic must not proceed.

The above information can be found in more detail under “Rules”.

However since the deployment of the “Lochinvar”; “Loch Bhrusda”; and “Lord of The Isles” on the Mallaig Armadale ferry run – leading to an almost 100% increase in ferry movements at the port – the Authority has responded to the situation by implementing extra safety measures via placement of two other sets of three red traffic lights.

One set covering the Outer Basin (lights are located on a light  standard on the Stub Breakwater); the other set are located on a pole near the Splay Berth on the Steamer Pier facing the fish quay and yachting marina.

The three sets of lights are linked, coming on and going off all at the same time.

The Authority stress the importance for all harbour users to take cognisance of and respond to the red traffic lights.

The simple message to all harbour users is:

Do not attempt to enter or depart the harbour when the red lights are displayed.  The ferry has right of way!

Click below for location chart of new lights.

Red Lights Location Plan