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Mallaig Marina Update: 9th July 2020

By July 9, 2020News

We are pleased to say that we are able to open the Marina earlier than expected. From today (9th July) until 15th July, we will welcome yachts for short stays and, if they are self-contained, for overnight berths. From 15th July, the Marina and Shore Facilities will be open. In all cases please book ahead, as our capacity will be limited. The easiest way to do this is to telephone 07824 331031 or 01687 462406.

We will be operating an appointment system for use of the showers and laundry (which will not be open until 15th July) to ensure physical distancing is maintained. Crews who are aboard a yacht will be able to book to use the shower and toilet facilities as a group and will have exclusive access to the showers or laundry for this period. The building will be open from 8am until 8pm, but we anticipate that it will be closed from 12-1pm for a deep clean, and again from 4pm until 5pm.

Week commencing 20th July, we will have some work being undertaken, which will involve divers in and around the Marina Pontoons for some of the time. We will therefore require vessels to radio ahead before entering or leaving the pontoon so that the dive operations can be conducted safely.

Jacqueline McDonell, CEO

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